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Quilt-Atelier Sibylle Hindermann

Here I show you, what my heart is beating for!
Some artists are motivating and inspiring me every day.
First of all Jean Wells with her intuitive way to present nature at its best,
Kaffe Fassett with his combination of simple forms in lush colors,
Victoria Findlay Wolfe with her lightly way to play with shapes,
Caryl Bryer with her sensitivity for unusual designs,
Michael James with his fantastic graphical flair,
or Libby Lehmann with her seductive Sheer Ribbon Technique
( Sadly, her carreer ended ubruptly in April 2013
beause of an aneurisma).
When my wall-quilts are displayed, they color and enjoy my live.
When they do the same for you, my joy is twice as much!

Click on a picture and you will get more information about a quilt.


Kissen Triangles
40 x 40 cm machine-pieced, machine-quilted

Kissen Cathedral Window
40 x 40 cm machine-pieced

58 x 58 cm some blocks hand-pieced, machine-quilted

Red Splash
77 x 77 cm machine-pieced machine-quilted ( free motion) verkauft

Happy Birthday
50 x 50 cm machine-pieced and -appliquéd, machine quilted

Thank you Libby
40 x 40 cm machine-pieced, machine-quilted ( free motion)

Atlantic Crossing (verkauft)
70 x 70 cm machine-pieced machine-quilted

110 x 110 cm paper piecing, machine-quilted
Many thanks for your interest !
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